3.4 The institution attracts and retains qualified personnel who support the institution’s purpose and direction.

COJOWA es una institución reconocida a nivel local y nacional, no solo por su alto nivel académico y su bilingüismo, sino porque cuenta con un Staff altamente calificado que genera un sentido de pertenencia y a su vez atrae a otros, pues el nivel de profesionalismo es un mecanismo que mantiene al Staff con altos estándares académicos y siempre buscando la excelencia en todos los proyectos que se emprenden.

Además, somos una institución que valora el tiempo y sobre todo a nuestro recurso humano por esto contamos con un proceso sólido de planeación desde el presupuesto hasta la selección, contratación e inducción del personal para cada año escolar.

Los procesos inducción claros y organizados nos permiten apoyar al trabajador en su proceso de adaptación, no solo al colegio sino en el caso de los extranjeros a la ciudad y nuestra cultura. A lo largo de su periodo de trabajo buscamos alternativas de comunicación en doble vía con el staff que nos permita mantener una comunicación fluida, constante y que podamos resolver las inquietudes que puedan surgir a lo largo del año.

COJOWA is a locally and nationally recognized school, not only for its high academic level and bilingualism, but also because it has a highly qualified staff that generates a sense of belonging and in turn attracts others, since the level of professionalism is a mechanism that maintains the Staff with high academic standards, which always seeks excellence in all the projects that are undertaken.

In addition, we are a school that values ​​time and, above all, our human resources, which is why we have a solid planning process from the budget to the selection, hiring, and staff induction for each school year.

Induction processes are clear and organized which allow us to support our employees in their adaptation process, not only to the school but in the case of expats to the city and our culture. Throughout their work at COJOWA we look for two-way communication alternatives with our staff, which will allow us to maintain a fluid and constant communication, as well as ways to solve the questions that may arise throughout the year.

Engagement (EN)

i3 Self-Assessment rating: 4

Preparation phase:

  • Budget planning

  • Salary Scale with annual increments and resigning bonus

  • Staff Assignment Analysis

  • Teacher/student ratios

  • Teacher leadership positions (retain talent)

Implementation (IM)

i3 Self-Assessment rating: 4

TPES Evaluation

Intent to return procedure

Salary offer

COJOWA Recruitment Guide

  • COJOWA Recruiting Guide

  • Principal meetings (to be retained or not to be retained, that is the question]

  • Recruitment websites,fairs

  • Reference followup

Climate survey



Ongoing Education/ PD Support:

PD Form - Formato de Solicitud de Desarrollo Profesional 21-22

  • Focused professional development [i.e. UTEACH] and certificates

  • University/ Continued Education Support

  • Professional development budget per section

Recruitment Evaluation examples:

Sustainability (SU)

i3 Self-Assessment rating: 1

TPES Evaluation

Intent to return procedure

Salary offer

COJOWA Recruitment Guide

  • COJOWA Recruiting Guide

  • Principal meetings (to be retained or not to be retained, that is the question]

  • Recruitment websites,fairs

  • Reference followup

Embeddedness (EM)

i3 Self-Assessment rating: 2.5