3.1 The institution plans and delivers professional learning to improve the learning environment, learner achievement, and the institution’s effectiveness.

As an institution, we plan and deliver professional learning that is intentionally designed to improve the learning environment, learner achievement, and our own effectiveness. As part of our yearlong planning process our staff participate in relevant and job-embedded professional learning to improve professional practice. For instance, we have identified an area of instructional focus — PBL—- and as such, our professional development opportunities have specifically focused on this area in order to support and guide all staff. In order to ascertain the information to develop both meaningful PD and action steps, we rely on data that we receive from surveys to guide us. Each year, we conduct a professional learning culture survey that helps identify areas of growth and strength. This information can also be charted across our balanced scorecard as you will note below. As an aspect of our professional expectations, having weekly targeted PD for our staff is an integral part of the processes within our institution.

Engagement (EN)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 4

Results (RE)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 2.6

Professional Learning Culture Survey for Strategic Plan

Sustainability (SU)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 2

Embeddedness (EM)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 4

Wednesday PD Calendar

PBL Team Meetings

Budget to Support PD & Strategic Planning