1.4 The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are designed to support institutional effectiveness.

At COJOWA, the governing authority and the leadership of the institution are involved in the continuous and systematic development, review and revision of policies. This process ensures ongoing and current compliance with all applicable local and international laws and regulations and reflects best practices. The governing authority is held accountable for committing to policies that ensure integrity, effective operations and improved student learning The Process for collecting and using evidence to monitor and ensure that the institution implements compliance with policies and is used to inform revisions of policies or practices is clear. The governing authority is committed to establishing and adhering to policies that promote the effective operations of the institution to enhance student learning.

Engagement (EN)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 4

Results (RE)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 2.5

Sustainability (SU)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 3.0