1.5 The governing authority adheres to a code of ethics and functions within defined roles and responsibilities.

The Colegio Jorge Washington Board of Trustees operates within the parameters established by the Colombian law, the statues approved by the General Assembly of Parents, the Manual de Convivencias (Parent-Student Handbook) approved by the Consejo Directivo, and all other policies established by the Board of Trustees. Each year, new board members are inducted into the board with a series of orientations on essential topics, policies and receive an introduction to overall governance structure, including roles and responsibilities. The entire Board of Trustees participates in ongoing professional training regarding best practices for International School Boards. The governing body and school leaders seek legal council on a permanent basis to ensure all processes and decisions are completely aligned with laws and regulations, both nationally and locally. The Board of Trustees acts within a clear Code of Ethics. Each board member reviews and commits to this code of ethics each year and ensures the sustainability of the school in the long-term through support for ongoing growth, strategic visioning, and development of the institution. To ensure transparency with the community, board minutes are taken in each meeting, reviewed by board members, and approved in the first agenda item of the following meeting.

Engagement (EN)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 4

Sustainability (SU)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 4

Embeddedness (EM)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 4