COJOWA has had a strong focus on fine arts for many years. School-wide courses are offered in art and music. In the preschool and elementary sections, dance/drama are part of the weekly courses. To enhance creativity, innovation and problem solving, the school adopted NGSS standards as soon as they were released. Also, the Science Dept introduced STEAM Week in 2008. This is an annual opportunity for students to share their STEAM projects with the rest of the school community. In 2020, in accordance with our strategic plan, Project-based Learning (PBL) was implemented in all grade levels across the school. PBL provides students with the opportunity to collaboratively design solutions to real-world problems and share their ideas with authentic audiences. Teachers were trained through U-Teach PBL program and they collaborate to design the grade-level projects. They also use rubrics to reflect together on how their PBL projects can be improved each year. We are measuring our progress in implementing PBL using two indicators on our balanced scorecard. One indicator monitors the number of projects begin implemented. The second indicator monitors the quality of the projects.

Implementation (IM)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 4

Staff i3 Rating: 2.8

Embeddedness (EM)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 3

Staff i3 Rating: 3