1.6 Leaders implement staff supervision and evaluation processes to improve professional practice and organizational effectiveness.

Nuestro Colegio cuenta con unos líderes comprometidos con el seguimiento al desempeño y específicamente en cuanto a las observaciones a nuestro Staff Académico; pero más comprometidos aún con el apoyo que le puedan brindar al Staff para alcanzar los objetivos personales, profesionales e impulsar su máximo potencial.

Estos últimos años han sido de retos no solo para el Staff sino también para los líderes. Durante la pandemia se dio un enfoque más de autoevaluación y reflexión para determinar compromisos y planes de mejora, dando apoyo durante la virtualidad la cual trajo consigo retos y cambios.

Sin embargo, este es un proceso estandarizado y que lleva varios años en ejecución con altos niveles de confiabilidad. Los trabajadores en general perciben este como un proceso justo y neutral, donde además de ser evaluados en sus habilidades y conocimientos les permite participar y expresar sus inquietudes o sugerencias, como reflexionar sobre su desempeño y cuáles son aquellas cosas que necesita para ser más exitoso. Esto genera muchos beneficios como son la estabilidad en los procesos, porque conocen claramente las expectativas del Colegio frente a sus funciones.

Our School counts with leaders who are committed to monitor performance and specifically in terms of observation to our Academic Staff; but they are even more committed to the support they can provide to our Staff to achieve personal and professional goals and help them reach their maximum potential.

These past few years have been challenging not only for the Staff but also for the leaders. During the pandemic, a more self-assessment and reflection approach was given to determine commitments and improvement plans, providing support during distance learning, which brought with it challenges and changes.

However, this is a standardized process that has been running for several years with high levels of reliability. Employees in general perceive this as a fair and neutral process, where in addition to being evaluated on their skills and knowledge, they are allowed to participate and express their concerns or suggestions, such as reflecting on their performance and what are the things they need to do to be more successful. This generates many benefits such as stability in the processes, because they clearly know the expectations the school has regarding their functions.

Results (RE)

i3 Self-Assessment rating: 2.5

Employees 21-22 >> 22-23 COJOWA Intent to return (COGNIA)

Evaluation examples:

Sustainability (SU)

i3 Self-Assessment rating: 2.5

Employees 21-22 >> 22-23 COJOWA Intent to return (COGNIA)

Evaluation examples:

Embeddedness (EM)

i3 Self-Assessment rating: 4

Annual Calendar TPES

Year over year evaluation process documents

Beginning of the year presentations where evaluation process and calendar was shared with teachers.

Employees 21-22 >> 22-23 COJOWA Intent to return (COGNIA)

Evaluation examples: