2.11 Educators gather, analyze, and use formative and summative data that lead to demonstrable improvement of student learning.

Our school has the tools and spaces that allow educators to collect information on academic and training processes through different sources to monitor student learning.

The amount of data and information on each student is sustained over time, constantly updating and implementing better programs. We continue working on offering more spaces to educators for data analysis, monitoring and guiding these processes, optimizing and standardizing information and formats, in order to take better advantage of all the large amount of data and so that its analysis has a high impact in instructional practices and student learning in every classroom.

Engagement (EN)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 3.0

Staff i3 Rating: 2.5

Implementation (IM)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 3.0

Staff i3 Rating: 2.3

Embeddedness (EM)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 2.0

Staff i3 Rating: 2.0