1.2 Stakeholders collectively demonstrate actions to ensure the achievement of the institution's purpose and desired outcomes for learning

Our vision “Learning together as reflective citizens and innovative thinkers to build a better tomorrow” has been a joint effort between the different stakeholders to achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves as a school. Shown by the evidence, our school is committed to continuous learning and improvement for several years, and the decisions that have been made, and implemented programs are aligned with our mission and vision.

Follow-up of the results and adjustments after an analysis has taken place to meet our proposed goals:

  1. Create a culture of digital citizenship

  2. Take ownership for the welfare of self and others

  3. Develop a growth mindset in pursuit of our highest potential

  4. Reshape the culture of professional learning

  5. Collaboratively design solutions to real-world problems

  6. Communicate ideas creatively to an authentic audience

  7. Improve financial efficiency

  8. Develop a sense of belonging among students, staff and parents to the school and commit to the responsible use of resources

Relevant Evidence / Resources

Engagement (EN)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 4

Implementation (IM)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 3.5

Results (RE)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 3.6

Sustainability (SU)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 4

Embeddedness (EM)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 4