2.1 Learners have equitable opportunities to develop skills and achieve the content and learning priorities established by the institution.

COJOWA educators use data to differentiate instruction to ensure all students have personalized and equitable learning opportunities. In lower grade levels, strategies like centers and small group instruction are utilized. Balanced Literacy is implemented to provide students with the abilty to read texts at their personalized reading level. Our Assessment Policy has been modified to align with Standard-based Grading (SBG) practices. SBG allows students to demonstrate their learning throughout the grading period, regardless of how quickly they master a concept. During our self-assessment, teachers confirmed that they are discussing data more often during grade-level meetings. To assist with data-driven instruction, running records are analyzed by teachers and rubrics are linked to learning progressions and power standards. Individual attention is given to students during office hours in MS/HS, which have been added to the master schedule. We have also leaveraged technology to help personalize learning with online learning platforms and our digital app ecosystem.

Sustainability (SU)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 3

Staff i3 Rating: 2.4