2.9 The institution implements processes to identify and address the specialized needs of learners.

COJOWA has systems in place to identify the language, socioemotional, and academic needs of students. Programs also exist to help support students in these areas such as the RTI process, learning center/academic coaching, REACHES, 7 Mindsets, Xello, and SSL. Teachers identified through a process of self reflection that they could be more greatly committed to these programs in order to increase their effectiveness.

Results (RE)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 2.5

Staff i3 Rating: 3

Sustainability (SU)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 2.5

Staff i3 Rating: 3

Embeddedness (EM)

Leadership Team i3 Rating: 2.8

Staff i3 Rating: 3

Video Presentations - RTI Leaders (Academic/Learning Center Coaches)

How are students identified as LC/AC candidates and how do you determine if they will be part of LC/AC?

Middle School and High School / Elementary School

How do we keep track of student progress/performance?

Middle School and High School / Elementary School

How do you track student growth? How do you know students are being successful?

Middle School and High School / Elementary School

Who is involved in these processes?

Middle School and High School / Elementary School

How do our RTI and LC/AC programs help meet the academic and socioemotional needs of our students?

Middle School and High School / Elementary School