1.1 The institution commits to a purpose statement that defines beliefs a Statement that defines beliefs about teaching and learning, including the expectations for learners

Stakeholders from our entire community participate in the development of our mission and vision statements that serve as the backbone for our strategic plan. Our mission “We are a collaborative bilingual community that shares a dedication to continuous learning within a culture of trust and mutual respect” defines our main purpose in order to accomplish our vision of "Learning together as reflective citizens and innovative thinkers to build a better tomorrow," which in turn fulfills our commitment with students:

  • Fostering individual potential

  • Developing innovative thinkers

  • Instilling values as a way of living

  • Providing a challenging bilingual academic environment

Engagement (EN)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 3.6

Implementation (IM)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 3.5

Results (RE)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 3

Sustainability (SU)

i3 Self-Assessment Rating: 3.5